Sanctifying Grace

Sermon series on the sacraments. Father give the first sermon as an introduction teaching on sanctifying grace. What is it? Why do we need it? Can we lose it? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

From the video:

Sanctifying grace is a created supernatural gift from God.

It is a quality in the soul which makes us friends of God and partakers in his divine nature.

Satifying grace is necessary for salvation because without it we couldn’t get to heaven or even live in heaven.

The way we grow in sanctifying grace is by receiving the Sacraments especially those Sacraments which we can receive frequently: Holy Communion and Confession. And by not committing any mortal sins.

The main effects of Sanctifying grace are that it makes us holy and pleasing to God.

It makes us adoted children of God.

It makes us temples of the Holy Ghost and it gives us a right to heaven and it gives us the power to live there.

Oh Lord, you alone are holy, you alone can makes me holy and all you ask is my full cooperation if I wish to be a Saint.