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1. What do I have to do before going into the Confessional?

1) I should kneel in the church and ask God to help me remember my sins

2) I must remember what sins I have committed since my last Confession and how many times I have committed each sin.

3) I should then tell God that I am sorry for my sins

4) Then I go into the Confessional.

2. What do I do in the Confessional?

1) I wait until the Priest opens the little window

2) Then I say “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned, it is one week (or one month, or whatever length of time it is) since my last Confession. These are my sins.” Then I name the sins and tell how many times I committed each one.

3. How do I finish my Confession?

After I have told the Priest my sins, I should say: “I am sorry for these sins and all the sins of my past life, especially for …..” Here I name some sin already confessed.

4. Then what happens?

Then the Priest will give me a Penance and perhaps advise me about my sins.

5. What prayer do I say while the Priest is forgiving me?

While the Priest is saying the words of forgiveness in Latin, I should say the Act of Contrition. Then the Priest will say: “God bless you”, or something like that. Then I should say: “Thank you, Father” and go out of the Confessional.

6. What should I do after I go out of the Confessional?

I should go to my place, kneel down, say my Penance and thank God for taking the sins off my soul.

7. What is meant by the “penance” the Priest gives in Confession?

The penance is usually some prayers to say as part of the temporal punishment due to my sins.

8. What sins must I confess?

I must confess all of my mortal sins.

9. What do I do if I have no mortal sins to confess?

If I have no mortal sins to confess, I should tell my venial sins and mention some mortal sin of my past life already confessed,

10. What kind of a sin is it deliberately to omit telling a mortal sin?

Deliberately to omit telling a mortal sin in Confession is a very serious sin called a sacrilege.

“He that hides sins shall not prosper; but he that shall confess and forsake them shall obtain mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).

11. What should I do if I forget to confess a mortal sin?

If, through no fault of my own, I forget to confess a mortal sin, I must tell it in my next confession and tell the Priest that I forgot it.

12. How often must I go to Confession?

1) I am bound under pain of mortal sin to go to Confession at least once a year, if I sinned grievously.

2) Anytime I commit a mortal sin, I should make an Act of Contrition right away and go to Confession as soon as possible.

13. How often does a good Catholic go to Confession?

A good Catholic goes to Confession once a month, or even once a week, if possible.

It should be remembered that in Confession I receive grace and that the more grace in my soul at the time of my death the greater will be my capacity for happiness in heaven. Besides, in Confession I receive special helps to overcome the temptations that usually bother me.