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1. What is fasting?

Fasting means that on certain days, I am allowed to eat

1) only one full meal with meat,

2) two small meals without meat, and

3) nothing between meals.

2. Who is obliged to fast?

Every Catholic over 21 years of age and not yet 59, who is not sick, pregnant or nursing a baby, is obliged to fast.

“Now, therefore, saith the Lord: Be converted to Me with all your heart, in fasting, in weeping, and in mourning” (Joel 12:12).

3.When must I fast?

I am obliged to fast

1) every day in Lent except Sundays

2) August 14, October 31, December 24 and the day before Pentecost Sunday

3) on the Ember Days.

4. When does Lent begin?

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends forty days later on the Saturday before Easter at noon.

5. When are the Ember Days?

The Ember Days are the Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays following September 14, December 13, Pentecost Sunday and the 1st Sunday in Lent.

6. What kind of a sin is it not to fast on the prescribed days?

It is a mortal sin not to fast on the prescribed days.

7. What is abstinence?

Abstinence means that on certain days I am not allowed to eat meat at all.

8. When am I obliged to abstain from meat?

I am obliged to abstain from meat on all Fridays of the year, December 24 and August 14, Ash Wednesday and the Saturday before Easter until noon.

However, if a Holy Day of Obligation falls on Friday, I am allowed to eat meat as often as I wish.

9. What is meant by “meat”?

By meat is meant the flesh of any warm-blooded animal or bird, and the soups and gravies made from such flesh. I am allowed to eat sea food (fish, lobsters, turtles, crabs, oysters, frogs, and so on).

10. Who is obliged to abstain from meat?

Every Catholic over 7 years of age who has the use of his mind is obliged to abstain from meat on the prescribed days.

11. What kind of a sin is it to eat meat on forbidden days?

To eat meat on forbidden days is a mortal sin.