Major Historical Event Missed by Mainstream Catholic Media

The story revolves around a Bishop who has come back to the Tradition: Joseph Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler

Solemnity of Corpus Christi June 11, 2020

Bree Dial wrote an amazing article about a Bishop who learned the Traditional Latin Mass and from scratch and celebrated it on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. As he said:

“I entered the seminary in 1977, at age 18; and by then, the Latin Mass had been all but relegated to history. The rite was not spoken of, not alluded to, not studied — just gone.

“I grew up in a very small Glenmary mission church, and the first memory I have of going to Mass was in the City Hall in Atlanta, Texas, which we were using temporarily. … My first memories must be around early ’60s — probably ’63-’64 — so the liturgy, it was very informal. I have no memory of the Latin Mass.

I went to the seminary in 1977 in Dallas — a pretty solid Catholic university; and Holy Trinity Seminary — what was considered a conservative, eight-year seminary. I think I got a good basis, but never attended a Latin Mass.”

Bishop Strickland learned the Mass from scratch and it changed his life.

You have to read this article:

A US Bishop Discovers the Traditional Latin Mass